Friday, November 21, 2008

The Way Things Are

I have not blogged in a while. Things have been so busy at home, and work and I really have not been doing anything that I feel needs to be blogged about. At least when it comes to dolls. I’m struggling with a life size baby that I’m working on. I’m hoping to complete her for a competition that ends January 1st. What an awful time to have a deadline. But I guess anytime is a hard time with a deadline, but the holidays just seem to take that much more time away from the things that you are normally trying to get accomplished. So far I have started and pulled apart the babies face a few times. I think the sculpt now is looking pretty good. So hopefully I can work on her this weekend and see if she will be worth any more effort.
The ladies from the BJD class are going to start a couple of challenges, one in December and one in January. I think I will try to get into both of these, nothing like a challenge and having to post your progress to make you get off you butt and get the work done.
As far as my running... I’m averaging about 35-40 miles a week. This is pretty good, but the past few weeks I have not been feeling very good. Just tired a lot, achy in the mornings mostly, I see my endroconologist in February so maybe I need my meds adjusted.
I will have a lot of my family over for Thanksgiving it should be fun to have everyone there. I love when the family gets together, of all the people in the world I think my family and extended family are some of the greatest people to hang out with. I always have the best time.

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