Thursday, September 22, 2016

Molding Finished... First Resin Cast

I was able to finish the molding process and make a cast in resin. Thanks to the help of Mike Call , he is a super talented sculptor and friend.

Tomorrow I am off work and I am going to drive to Baer Bronze  to have the door knocker cast in bronze. I am very excited.

The above picture is the resin cast painted to resemble bronze. It gives you a bit of an idea of what it will look like. There is always the options of other patinas. I will have to see what my friend chooses to do.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

End of Summer

I can't believe summer has come to an end! This summer seemed to go by so fast. It has been a great summer and it's hard to see it come to an end. 

I was able to spend a part of labor day weekend with family and friends up at the Midway sheepdog competition. My oldest son had gone to them previous years and had commented how much fun they were. I never really expected it to be fun, and I was very surprised at the event. 

It was a lovely day and the weather was near perfect to sit and watch the talented dogs and handlers. I look forward to enjoying it again next year. 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Starting to Mold

The molding process has begun, and thanks to Mike Call for helping with this process. I am hoping to be finished within a few weeks and then I can take it to the foundry and see what the costs will be to have it cast.

I am so thankful to Mike Call for being so helpful and gracious to me. I am still learning all the skills needed to mold my sculptures and he is so wonderful to help me.

Fingers crossed that it will all be good!!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Ready to Mold

My door knocker project is done with the sculpting phase. I am ready to move on to the molding phase of this project. Molding is not something that I am comfortable doing by myself so I am hoping to get some help. I hope that someday I will be more comfortable with all the phases of sculpture making. But until then I am happy to have friends and contact that can help me through this process. 

On ward and upward!!